Cattle Report: Latest Prices and Trends – ABP Daily

Feeder Report
Slaughter Report
Alberta had no direct trade to report on Monday. Showlist volumes are 1% larger than last week. YTD slaughter exports totaled 256,025 head, 17% larger than last year. USDA released its weekly crop progress report yesterday. 97% of corn has emerged, with 4% in the silking stage. Both are steady with the five-year average. Additionally, 69% of corn acres are rated good to excellent, down from 72% last week. There was no trade reported in Ontario. As per a news release yesterday afternoon, “The Canadian Cattle Association, National Cattle Feeders’ Association, and Beef Farmers of Ontario strongly encourage the Cargill Dunlop facility in Guelph and members of UFCW Local 175 to come to an expedited labour resolution.”
$73.34   0.06
In the US, very light trade was reported yesterday in Iowa at $195.00-197.00/cwt live FOB. This light test of the market does not set a market trend. USDA released their June 1 cattle on feed report last Friday. Placements were 4% higher than last year and came in above expectations.
Information provided on this report is supplied by various auction markets throughout Alberta. In reference to the following prices, producers are reminded to check with individual markets on current prices and trends. Prices quoted include top quality cattle only.
Disclaimer: Information on this page is not for further distribution without permission from Canfax
The Cattle Price Insurance Program offers producers the ability to manage their bottom line by purchasing price insurance to provide a floor price on future cattle sales. This is a snapshot of top coverage offered this past week. LPI-Calf is available to purchase from February to June.

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