Emory Decatur Hospital unveils multimillion dollar renovation of behavioral health services – Emory News Center

May 30, 2024
The renovated behavioral health services space at Emory Decatur Hospital provides a comprehensive continuum of behavioral health care along with access to Emory Decatur’s multiple specialties and onsite emergency department, as needed.
— Jack Kearse, Emory Health Sciences Photography
DECATUR, GA – Emory Decatur Hospital has unveiled approximately $22 million in improvements to its behavioral health services unit, now offering adult outpatient and inpatient services in one space at the hospital.
With this renovation, behavioral health services at Emory Decatur Hospital will be able to accommodate the volumes of behavioral health services previously provided at Emory University Hospital at Wesley Woods, streamlining treatment options and care for patients. Other services will remain at Wesley Woods, including the Emory Addiction Center, which offers a multidisciplinary treatment approach for the management of substance use, as well as specialized treatment for individuals with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders.
Following three years of strategic planning and construction, the modernized behavioral health services space in Emory Decatur Hospital was made possible by an investment from Emory Healthcare. The renovated space spans more than 30,000 square feet across three units on three floors, all well-appointed with natural lighting and enhanced security features. The inpatient and outpatient units will provide a comprehensive continuum of behavioral health care along with access to Emory Decatur’s multiple specialties and onsite emergency department, as needed.
“This renovated and updated space is critical for Emory Healthcare to better provide necessary resources for individuals and families with behavioral care needs,” says Jen Schuck, CEO of Emory Decatur Hospital, Emory Hillandale Hospital and Emory Long-Term Acute Care. “We are grateful to the Emory Healthcare Board for aligning with Emory Decatur Hospital and helping us underscore the value of integrated behavioral health services that adequately serve the community. We are here to meet patients where they are and support them on their journey to mental and physical well-being and resiliency.”
Emory Healthcare has been a leader in providing comprehensive behavioral health services, care, interventions and treatment in metro Atlanta for many years. Emory Decatur Hospital began offering inpatient behavioral health services in 1992, while Emory University Hospital at Wesley Woods first began providing inpatient and outpatient behavioral health care in 1987. By focusing behavioral health resources at one location instead of two, Emory Decatur Hospital will offer patients ease of access along with the continuation of care expected and well-known to patients.
Emory Decatur Hospital’s renovation project for behavioral health services includes 32 inpatient beds, as well as two outpatient programs: a neuromodulation clinic and a transitions program.  
Neuromodulation technology delivers electrical or pharmaceutical agents directly to target areas to treat psychiatric illness. The neuromodulation clinic also has two procedure rooms, a six-bed pre-op area, a six-bed recovery area, and multipurpose room with clinic support space.
The transitions program is an intensive outpatient treatment program with group and individual therapy that assists patients transitioning from inpatient to outpatient care. This program includes a partial hospitalization program for seniors, an adult intensive outpatient program, a young adult intensive outpatient program and a men’s support group. 
“The need for behavioral health services has never been greater in our community, particularly for underserved populations,” says Joon Lee, MD, CEO of Emory Healthcare. “With this updated space at Emory Decatur Hospital, we will be able to meet the clinical needs and expectations of our patients, families, staff and physicians, while serving our community and beyond.”
To schedule an appointment for behavioral health services at Emory Decatur Hospital or for more information on the admissions process, call 404-560-6222 or visit here
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