Game review: Campo Santo's Firewatch is a narrative bait and switch –

There’s something sinister going on in the forests of Wyoming, in one of the most ambitious storytelling games of the year.
Firewatch may be the most frustrating video game we’ve ever played. As a narrative driven first person adventure it has some of the best dialogue and voice-acting we’ve ever experienced in a game; as well as a great premise, attractive graphics, and some interesting gameplay gimmicks. And yet it completely and utterly wastes them on what must be the most ill-considered story choices since George Lucas thought it’d be cool to have a cartoon rabbit in his new Star Wars movie.
You know how at the end of a story-based game – the kind with lots of dialogue choices and moral decisions – you’re immediately inspired to go back and see what other paths you could have taken? How picking different options could have changed the outcome of the story? We immediately did that at the end of Firewatch, convinced that we must’ve got something terribly wrong and ended up with the very worst ending possible. But no, it’s not us that made the mistake…
Firewatch is a difficult game to talk about without some mild spoilers so although we’ll try and keep things as vague as possible you might not want to click on the various bits of blur-o-vision text below, if you want to get the most out of playing the game itself.
The premise of Firewatch is an immediately interesting one, which is ironic because it involves taking on the most boring job in the world: keeping a lookout for fires in a huge American forest. As your boss and fellow lookout Delilah explains, most people who do so are looking to hide from something – usually as a result of strife in their love life.
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That’s true to a degree for protagonist Henry, as the intro reveals that ​his 40-year-old wife is subject to early-onset Alzheimer’s and she now no longer even recognises him​. The intro is done entirely via text, with a few Choose Your Own Adventure style choices to make. It’s hugely affecting and wonderfully written, and immediately had us imagining we were about to experience a new classic in video game storytelling.
We became even more convinced as the game proper begins and you start to go about the daily grind of your job, which usually involves nothing more exciting than picnics in scenic locales and chatting to Delilah on your walkie-talkie (the game is set in the ‘80s). Often you’ll be set on chores that involve you hiking, and abseiling, across the wilderness – chasing down naughty teens setting off fireworks or checking on broken telephone wires.
All seems perfectly mundane until Henry and Delilah get the feeling they’re being watched, and the game’s main plot starts to kick in. And it’s great. The feeling of paranoia is superbly well handled, to the point where you’re not sure whether the hints at serial killers, bear attacks, or something supernatural are something you’ve come up with or the game is actively hinting at.
Although they occasionally chug a little on the PlayStation 4, the visuals are excellent and similar to the recent The Witness but just a little lower tech. They clearly wouldn’t be good enough for decent facial animation, but the game cleverly gets around this problem by using the walkie-talkie, with different dialogue choices selected via the shoulder buttons, like a sort of interactive audio log.
The naturalistic dialogue is excellent and the voice-acting, by Mad Men actor Rich Sommer and Cissy Jones (almost solely a video game voice actress, as far as we can gather), is pitch perfect. So when the game’s final big plot reveal finally came we were so shocked by what it was we kept expecting a second fake out to reveal the true ending. But it never came.
There are so many problems with the final reveal that we barely know where to start. Although the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever is a good as place as any, as it completely contradicts discoveries earlier in the game. Or there’s the fact that a major subplot is hand-waved away in a line of dialogue right at the end, rendering a whole third of the game essentially irrelevant.
​No doubt developer Camp Santo will argue that it’s actually meant to be a character piece, that it’s not a thriller or a horror movie and that it’s about the people not the mystery. That’s fine, except if that’s the case then don’t pretend otherwise for 90 per cent of the game, or you’re going to upset and disappoint a lot of people.​
​Also, and this is the most important problem, if you’re going to make a narrative driven game with only two characters in it, it would help if you actually learned something about them during the course of the game. You get no more insight into Henry’s psyche during the rest of the story than you do during the intro, in fact he barely ever mentions his wife again throughout the whole game.​
​Meanwhile, Delilah remains essentially a blank slate from beginning to end. You’d assume there’d be a pretty interesting story to explain why a woman wants to spend 13 years up a tower looking for forest fires, but all you learn is that she’s got a slight drinking problem and had some unexceptional-sounding romantic troubles in her youth.​
​The denouement is also reliant on two unseen characters who are briefly mentioned at various other points, but at the time seem to have no real relevance to proceedings. So when the entire finale revolves around your emotional response to their fate it only adds to the sense of bewilderment. It does create a parallel to Henry’s story, but it’s nowhere near interesting enough to justify everything, or indeed anything, that has gone before.​
Like so many narrative-based video games Firewatch makes the mistake of not ensuring its story is strong enough to last the five or six hours of gameplay, or that it’s one that actually benefits from being told as a video game. The frustration here is that it gets so much else right in terms of how it presents its story and characters, but utterly fails in having something meaningful for them to say.
In Short: The most bizarre narrative bait and switch in video game history, as a tense, emotional thriller sticks the worst landing since Eddie The Eagle.
Pros: Some of the best storytelling in modern gaming, with an excellent script, great voice-acting, and some inspired presentation. Great atmosphere and nicely minimalist controls.
Cons: The actual story is terrible, once you find out what’s happening, and completely squanders everything the game had seemed to be building up to.
Score: 5/10

Formats: PlayStation 4 (reviewed) and PC
Price: £14.99
Publisher: Campo Santo
Developer: Campo Santo
Release Date: 9th February 2016
Age Rating: 16
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