Film Review: Keith Lemon: The Film – Birmingham Live

I’VE HAD every excuse under the sun for reasons why I sometimes can’t see movies before they are released in order to help film-goers make an informed choice about whether to hand over their hard-earned cash.
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I’VE HAD every excuse under the sun for reasons why I sometimes can’t see movies before they are released in order to help film-goers make an informed choice about whether to hand over their hard-earned cash.
The most common include ‘late print availability’, ‘day-and-date-release issues with the US’ and ‘security’ etc.
What distributors never say is: ‘Our film is rotten to the pips’.
With Keith Lemon: The Film, the distributors were able to helicopter its star, Leigh Francis, into Cineworld Broad Street exactly 51 days before release. But not to authorise a print just 24 hours in advance of release.
So I joined a spartan audience post release, many of whom did appear to laugh quite often throughout because this level of humour was clearly what their juices wanted.
The story certainly doesn’t have much substance if you remove the ‘lot’ from plot. Keith Lemon dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur and becomes a billionaire overnight thanks to the Lemon Phone. When he falls from grace, he seeks redemption.
The gags are tired because ‘It’s all lager under the bridge’.
The emphasis on cheap sex is pitiful. The illustrative use of bangers and mash beyond infantile.
Verne Troyer, Kelly Brook and David Hasselhoff are all sideshows to the ginger – sorry, strawberry-blonde – human barrel who remains an attention seeker even when labelled an ‘arrogant, self-obsessed know-all who doesn’t know anything’.
The movie is chock full of B-list celebrities (Big Brother’s Craig Phillips, Fearne Cotton, Holly Willoughby etc), doing themselves no favours.
And Phillip Schofield’s piece at the end is shameful for an ex-children’s presenter – he and his ilk can’t all be this frightened of falling off the showbiz ladder, can they?
Keith Lemon was a golden opportunity to challenge the way some people live today.
But the Carry On team will be spinning in their graves now that British cinema has sunk so low.


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