Business travelers want latest technology and best gadgets –

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Tuesday 30, September 2014
Business travelers want latest technology and best gadgets
A survey from hotel solutions provider HRS, conducted with the Fraunhofer IAO, has revealed that smartphones, tablets and corresponding apps are essential companions for many travelers today.
The survey showed that 42 percent of guests from the UK would rather operate their hotel room’s lighting, air conditioning and television via a display instead of using a separate remote control or switch.
The survey also revealed that business travelers in particular are looking for a home away from home experience when it comes to technology in their hotel room. Globally, 44 percent said they would like the availability of a tablet, while 23 percent wanted a laptop in their room, reports Incentive Travel UK.
“As the fast-paced high-tech world finds its way into hotels with tablets instead of guest folders, smartphones instead of room keys, and apps instead of remote controls, the findings show that the hotel industry needs to adapt to the new user behavor of many of their guests or risk falling behind,” John West, MD for HRS UK, told Conference News.
One example of a UK hotel setting standards in delivering the latest technology is the Eccleston Square in London, a boutique hotel within a historic building, intuitive technology meets luxurious design. Guests receive a personal iPad as a digital concierge and can navigate almost everything in their room via a touchpad. Amongst other innovations, the see-through bathroom wall can be turned into frosted glass.
“Hotels are certainly starting to respond to customer demands and recognizing that busy business travelers want the latest technology and best gadgets available during their stay to ensure that they have the best experience,” Jens Luik, hotels solutions director for HRS UK and Ireland, said.
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