Where to buy kids shoes? – alloveralbany

kids shoesWith growing kids — with growing feet — Amarit emails:
The Times Union reported recently that, in addition to the Stuyvesant Plaza store closing, the Clifton Park Stride Rite is also headed for closure. So there will be even fewer options.
Got any ideas for Amarit and her kids? Please share!
photo: Flickr user tamakisono (cc)
I wish I did. The staff at the Jr. Shoe Port is so wonderful at fitting children’s shoes and I am sad they are going out of business. There is a stride rite outlet in Lee, though I don’t know if they do fittings.
… said Biodiva on Aug 28, 2012 at 11:40 AM | link
It’s certainly not as convenient, but I have started ordering my daughter’s shoes online from Zappo’s.com. They offer a downloadable foot measurement chart and returns are free.
… said Kate on Aug 28, 2012 at 11:42 AM | link
Fleet Feet off of Wolf Road has kids sneakers. No toddler stuff though. We’ve had some good luck with Zappos online. If the fit is off, return shipping is free.
… said Jon in Albany on Aug 28, 2012 at 11:54 AM | link
I’m also sorry to see them go. We really loved Denice at the Stuy Plaza store. My kids have outgrown their shoes, and we still struggle with finding shoes that fit their wide feet correctly.
… said WendyG (Troy) on Aug 28, 2012 at 9:36 PM | link
I love kids’ consignment stores and sales. You just missed two big consignment sales this past weekend: www.passitonsale.com and gotkidssale.com. But, they are both bi-annual and will happen again next spring. There are great kids consignment stores in the area too. Polka Dots in Guilderland is nice.
… said Tracy on Aug 30, 2012 at 9:51 AM | link
Used to be a kids shoe store on Central Ave called Young Shoes.The most professional people I ever knew.Especially a shoe fitter named Allen.
Took my kids there,and to Allen for years,until they started to out grow the place
Then the owners,Brown I think yheir name was,sold the store.
The new owners destroyed what made the place unique,and it became just another shoe store.

… said Jake on Oct 31, 2014 at 8:51 PM | link
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