One-minute World News –

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Watch the latest news summary from BBC World News. International news updated 24 hours a day.
One-minute World News. Video, 00:00:39
Up Next. Gazans celebrate after Hamas says it accepts ceasefire. Video, 00:00:20
Rafah evacuation: 'Where will we go now?' Video, 00:01:08
Dashcam shows tornado obliterate Nebraska building. Video, 00:00:36
French bakers beat longest baguette world record. Video, 00:01:00
Watch: Madonna free beach gig attracts 1.6m people. Video, 00:00:55
Rival Greek churches light skies in annual ‘rocket war’ Video, 00:00:47
Bridge buckles and plunges into Brazil river. Video, 00:00:48
A record number of sea lions gather in San Francisco. Video, 00:00:41
NYC protests as police police shut down makeshift camp. Video, 00:00:52
The moment pilot makes emergency landing on US beach. Video, 00:00:26
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