Review – Let's Sing 2024 – WayTooManyGames

I’ve been trying to experiment with as many “unusual” games over the past few years, games I had always had a slight amount of curiosity towards, without ever previously pulling the trigger on actually purchasing them. Between Just Dance, fishing simulators, or simply some of the weirdest and most Japanese crap available on consoles, I’ve been trying to broaden my horizons a bit more. This time around, I’ve decided to throw my utter shyness off the window and review… a singing game. Yep, time to put these sexy vocal chords to some extra use. Let’s sing… with Let’s Sing 2024.
You can create your own creepy-as-hell avatar in Let’s Sing 2024. The reasons for such inclusion are beyond my comprehension.
I think that I don’t need to dive into details with this game’s premise. The title says it all: this is a karaoke simulator, further gamefying the karaoke singing experience with points, additional visuals, and a little career mode… although I am pretty sure the vast majority of the userbase purchasing this game, as well as previous iterations of Let’s Sing, are doing so for the party experience, whenever people come up to their place. The inclusion of this career mode in Let’s Sing 2024 was actually something I wasn’t expecting at all, and while I didn’t find it to be particularly engaging, it added a bit more substance that what would have otherwise been a very shallow experience.
What I really wanted to see was how I would be able to play the damn game without owning an actual microphone. Turns out that Let’s Sing 2024 takes the same approach as Just Dance: use your smartphone. In a genius move, you can integrate your phone with the game, using a specific Let’s Sing app. Just make sure to tinker with the delay calibration a bit (I did face that issue, at least), and it’s good to go. It ended up working way better than I could have predicted, though I’m pretty sure using a mic would have still been the optimal way to play this game.
Hey, could you get the hell out of the way? I’d rather look at Freddie than this Metaverse reject.
As for the rest, there’s little else that needs to be assessed but the songs in the package, and that’s a finicky thing. Unlike Just Dance, Let’s Sing 2024 suffers from the fact you kinda need to know the songs included in it in order for you to enjoy it. Whilst there aren’t that many songs in the package, I’d say there is enough variety. If you like rock, there’s Queen, David Bowie, even Linkin Park. Pop enthusiasts can rock to BTS or Lizzo, for instance. I would have appreciated a bit more rap and rock, but considering how this package is meant to appeal to as many people as possible with the bare minimum, I understand the shallow library.
I also understand the fact this is meant to incentivize you to subscribe to Let’s Sing‘s VIP service, granting you access to countless other songs to add to your library. The pricing itself isn’t egregious, so that’s not exactly an issue. The issue is, once again, the fact you are basically dependent on knowing these songs by heart in order for the service to be considered viable, with its library being very unbalanced when it comes to its genres.
If you don’t know how to sing the chorus to Ace of Base’s “The Sign”, then you’re a pathological liar.
I’d have appreciated a bit more genre variety, but I was impressed by the technology powering Let’s Sing 2024, as well as the fact it has a career mode. Party games like this one rarely have anything meant specifically for single player content, so I appreciate the inclusion, even if the requirement of knowing each song in the package by heart makes it less accessible than other party music games out in the market. Nevertheless, even though I wasn’t blown away by it, I did have a good with this game, even though I’d never prefer it over going to the karaoke bar with some friends.
Graphics: 6.0
Not exactly an impressive showcase. There’s a floating head, your avatar, singing in front of a low-detailed clip of the song you’ve chosen. Pretty much it.
Gameplay: 8.0
Using your phone as a mic ended up being a lot more responsive than expected.
Sound: 8.5
I would have appreciated a bit more rock and rap on the base set list, but there’s a nice variety of bangers at your disposal. Granted, Let’s Sing 2024 really wants you to subscribe to its VIP package in order to access more songs.
Fun Factor: 7.0
I would have preferred a bit more genre variety, but I was impressed by the technology powering Let’s Sing 2024, as well as the fact it has a career mode. Not mind blowing, nor a substitute for a night at a karaoke bar, but still entertaining enough.
Let’s Sing 2024 is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X and Switch.
Reviewed on PS5.
A copy of Let’s Sing 2024 was provided by the publisher.
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Way Too Many Games is an up and coming gaming site run by gamers for gamers. Established in January 2017 Way Too Many Games began with the goal to provide objective reviews and better represent independent developers and niche titles, eventually expanding into board games as well. Since its launch, WTMG has been a presence at E3, Brasil Game Show, and Play NYC, with more events on the way.
At Way Too Many Games we feature a transparent review method divided into four segments: Graphics (25% of the final score), Gameplay (25%), Sound (10%), and Fun Factor (40%). Scores are always rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.5.
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