Gulf News is top English language daily in the UAE – Gulf News

New survey provides figures that show 50 per cent read the newspaper
Dubai: Gulf News continues to crest the waves of readership success across the UAE. It is the English language daily with the highest reach among non-Arabs in the country.
The latest results of the print readership survey by Ipsos MediaCT is based on 3,325 face-to-face interviews held from January to June 2013.
Nearly 50 per cent of the country’s English language newspaper readers favour Gulf News, making it the most influential daily. But, uneasy is the head that wears the crown. It is a publishing house that does not believe on resting on past laurels — 2014 brings renewed focus and innovation.
Gulf News Managing Editor Mohammed Almezel said: “At Gulf News, readers are our most important asset, and we never take them for granted. We always strive to meet and exceed their expectations and sustain our quality content, which our readers have become used to, and bring out the best news and views package every morning.”
The numbers are a testament to this dedication. The newspaper’s reach exceeds 45 per cent readership across all age groups, ranging from 15 to over 55 years.
Almezel said: “Gulf News has set the benchmark of media innovation in the region. We are in constant evolution to raise the ceiling for journalism in our region, in content quality and depth and presentation. Readers can always expect the best from Gulf News and that is a challenge we have taken on since the launch of the first Gulf News edition more than three decades ago.”
The survey shows that nearly 65 per cent of the newspaper’s readers are from 25 to 44 years. This year will see an increased drive to raise the numbers in the 15 to 24 years bracket.
“Over the past year, our team has been busy developing content specifically designed for our young readership, be it technology news and features or new education and health trends. Gulf News is a media organisation that caters to all segments of society and will continue to deliver optimal levels,” Almezel added.
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