15 Recommended Telegram Channels for Tech and Engineering Enthusiasts – Interesting Engineering

A list of 15 amazing technology and engineering-related Telegram channels will keep you updated with the latest content.
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Telegram, the Whatsapp alternative, has gained tremendous traction since its launch. In February 2016, the app maker stated that the number of active monthly users surpassed the 100 million mark, adding 350,000 users each day who send 15 billion messages daily. Fast forward to 2023, and the app now has over 700 million active monthly users and is projected to reach a billion before the end of the year.
While the app is similar to most of the popular messaging apps available in the market, one feature that makes Telegram more interesting is its channel feature. You can create a public channel and assign a permanent URL for others to join. There are numerous channels already that Telegram users create and join every day in different genres. Some of these public channels are worth joining if you want to keep yourself updated with the latest news and interesting content.
We’ve dug up some really interesting channels for technology and engineering enthusiasts looking to consume valuable content while chatting with their friends.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 11,070
As the channel says: “It’s all about science!”, Crynet is a growing channel that regularly shares science-related news, videos, and more to make you smarter every day. There’s also a Russian and French version of the channel that keeps sharing cool stuff for geeks.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 68,606
Tech Guide is all about Android, Windows, and iOS, computer-related tips, tricks, guides, and news. The channel has already 68k+ subscribers and is growing. Join the channel if you want to keep yourself updated on what’s happening in the tech world from the comfort of your messaging app.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 57,379
The channel is popular within the developers’ community and shares tips and tricks for those who want to master coding. You’ll also get useful information about programming, along with some great tutorial videos curated from trusted sources.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 30,792
Telegram Geeks is for those who like to learn about bots, technology, and social media, along with other happening news all across the globe. Join this Telegram army that has already over 30k users to get a daily dose of useful information.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 10,799
Life Hacker is one of the most useful Telegram channels where you can get to know something about everything. From life tips and tricks to technology, Android, and the Internet, the channel has something for everyone.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 97,713
Like Reddit’s AMA or ELI5, the Ask Me channel in Telegram will be useful when you’re seeking answers to anything urgent. With more than 97k members, the channel keeps you updated with daily general knowledge.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 119,680
The name says it all. If you love coding, this Telegram channel will give you a daily dose of logical and wittiest jokes that bring out the fun element in programming. Join the channel for a free laugh every day.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 71, 393
Our official Telegram channel is equally interesting as our other social channels. Get the latest updates on engineering, technology, and science topics, interesting videos, and quality content daily from your trusted information source!
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 135,756
Science is one of the most popular Telegram channels dedicated entirely to sharing interesting science videos and articles. With more than 135k members, it is also probably one of the biggest channels in the science genre. The channel curates content from popular and reliable information sources on the internet.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 35,585
One more valuable channel dedicated to sharing technology news, fun facts, trivia, and information on futurism, the latest gadgets, and technology updates. The channel is more focused on sharing video content, which makes it a likely choice for those who prefer to have a quick bite of the latest tech news.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 69,362
World Architecture shares images of some of the coolest architectural structures from around the world on a daily basis. The channel is extremely useful for civil engineers and architects to get some inspiration for their future creations.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 49,140
Data Science is apparently the first Telegram channel dedicated to data science. You’ll find a wealth of information on trending technology topics such as deep learning, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 200,877
Although not relevant directly, the Boring Class channel is for all of us to take a break and enjoy the funnier side of life. Who knows, you might end up with ingenious ideas from the jokes and funny videos posted on the channel.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 18,809
This challenge posts Mathematics challenges with prices for the winners. Also, you can get to know the history of famous mathematicians by subscribing to this channel.
Members as of Feb 23rd, 2023: 10,832
This is an increasingly popular channel on Telegram that provides daily images, news, videos, and information about Space. You’ll find all the photos from NASA, HUBBLE, RC, and ESA, along with valuable content to keep you informed on what’s happening in the field of Astronomy.
Do you have other channels to recommend? Let us know in the comments.


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